Rain of Love

 Dancing in His glory tonight,

Is the Blue-Necked Man.

His rhythm makes the oceans create waves,

His Dumru creates the roar of thunder.

There He is, smiling like a lightning

That hit my heart like an arrow of Kama.

I drench in his love like the earth quenched,

Waiting for the rain in summer.

His hair sways like the floating grey clouds,

There He is, the one who destroys all the sin in me.

He moves to the beat of music,

That aches my heart with longing and pain.

I, the Princess of the Mountain, 

Find myself yearning in tears and smile.

This may just be rain to you, O innocent human.

To me, this is His Love, chosen carefully

With letters from Nature,

Carefully scribing His feelings.

To me, this rain is divine.

Once I was a child, naive and ordinary,

I knew not the word for what I felt.

Yet I was smitten by the ash-smeared Man.

Today, a maiden of sixteen, Gauri waits

Daring to call my emotions, Love.

Tonight, sleepless as I am,

Restless for his words of approval;

Prakriti answers me, in unspoken verses.

He is Mine, as much as I am His.

Beyond time, name, identity and fate.

Love is our eternal truth

And as long as Shiva exists,

So will his Sati.

~ Suranya

