God Made It This Way

 They Say, "God made it this way"

My soul questions their notion.

It says, "How could He teach you to oppress women?

Make a chauvinist society? Who made you address them as He?"

He who treated Her as the Ultimate Creator, Adi Shakti.

Who really decides the rules here? Burn the women in pyres?

For the God I know, breaks the rules himself.

He is devastated at Her funeral.

Who decides what Limits are?

The God I know is Endless within.

How long is forever?

He is Timeless.

How deep should Love be?

His knew no bounds beyond Time.

How is someone good or bad? 

He says that there is both in us.

What is the balance of life?

He teaches us nothing is ideal.

My Soul doesn't agree with your façade of society

That defies the very God they worship.

Maybe I don't fall under your standards of a Devotee.

Maybe He is not as Godly to you as to me.

But I know in my heart,

The society in all its glory is never because

"God made it this way."

Everything is a deed of Man's mind,

Not an act of God.

~ Suranya

