Meeting With Destiny

Across the river, there was a crowd

She frowned eagerly as something reached her hand

A dried seed, she stared in awe.

The man in meditation wore garlands of it.

Who was He?

Long locks, falling over his shoulder, body smeared in ashes,

A face so calm and expressionless, almost like a foreigner to feelings

He seemed to come from beyond the mountains.

Tribal attire, posture of glow and grace

She stared mesmerised at his face.

He looked up at the delicate one, who dared to chant His name

At the palace that treated him like a nomad, he was now God.

She chanted His name like she owned Him; a shiver ran down His spine. 

Young and gentle, in meditation; she was a princess so divine.

Rich clothes, materialistic life, she was brave enough to look beyond

Her warrior-heart chose Him.

He taught her soul searching, she sought her purpose in life,

He smiled in composure and hidden pain for The Timeless knew the future.

Even He was not beyond Fate, still He called her His.

Love was such a twist of destiny, it turned God into Devotee.

A wanderer into a household, strong was its magic

Even the ones beyond emotion were not devoid of Love.

She was his purpose. He hers. Souls answered.

~ Suranya

