
My salty tears turn themselves into oceans of turbulent emotions.

In the darkest night when the moon cannot shine through

Even the most transparent of souls.

The cloud of doubt engulfs me like a thick blanket

Overshadowing the rays of Hope.

You refuse to come to me, O Sleep!

That takes me to lands beyond my mortal reach.

The soul feels caged in the human body now

Perhaps waiting to be released.

I seek an Identity beyond a name,

My hands reach out into the darkness in vain.

I only find names, titles, relationships

That chains my soul further to mortality.

In the play of hide and seek

You remain hidden from me tonight.

O Guiding Star! Bless the Fakira with your glimpse.

In the darkness and shadows that dance with light

I weep over thee like I would for a loved one.

I feel restless to be near Your warmth

But tonight You act like a stranger to me.

Like a curse you took away my dreams with you

Perhaps stole my sleep alongside.

Why, O why, am I your chosen one?

Who am I? What do I seek?

My heart drowns in a sea of question

Over my lost Identity.

~ Suranya

