
 They come and go with reasons and blame, justified and unjustified.

Some like the autumn rains, some like cyclones, slowly or all at once.

Some stay longer in the darkness of night, tears of remembrance.

But every time it is she who gets left behind in a relationship,

Empty, broken and with nothing more to offer.

She thought she had given her heart to one, her body to another,

Her charm attracted one, her words impressed others,

Was she the one with flaws? Her heart failed to answer her despair.

Everyone had their reasons, she wished she had one.

Putting on her red lipstick, her dress hung around her long boots,

Her heavy makeup made her feel pretty, a perfect disguise for sadness.

She bought herself dinner, danced to her favourite tune,

She took herself out for a long walk, while it rained that monsoon.

The droplets washed away her makeup, revealing her blemishes and scars

She smiled without a care, her boots tapping on the gravel until she heard

A squirmer.

Alarmed, she looked around, at the sound between the dustbins

There soaked and shivering, laid a puppy, scared and alone.

Wrapped in a jacket, she took him home, and it licked thankfully.

Smiling, she realised she found someone, who loved to not leave.

Soulmates, she laughed at the world, perfect in books and movies.

What was more of unconditional love than someone, wagging his tail like this?

~ Suranya

