Dear Fictional Man

Let's stop playing Hide and Seek, I don't seek you anymore.

Let's stop pretending to be weak, I don't fake things anymore.

I have stopped looking for you, in every person around me.

I have stopped hoping for you, and what I want us to be.

You barely make my heart beat now, as I pen down your thoughts.

You never had a face in my imagination, just gestured to tell you apart.

I have seen the world in monochrome, I have seen reality.

I have stopped looking for you because I know,

You are just another character in my story.

Perhaps the muse I sought after, hoping to find in flesh and blood

But I know you are too perfect to be true, in this cruel world.

I may have lost interest but I believe in faith

I trust the God who makes me dream of you.

I trust the feelings of my pen to be true.

It's been a long wait, unfruitful and patient

You gave me some great stories and dreams fulfilled by them.

My brain is tired, my heart lost,

But I realise how hope refuses to die out in them;

One morning I read a line somewhere.

" What You Seek Is Seeking You."

And for a moment, my heart made a leap

For the silly romantic in me, read it as "Who."

~ Suranya
