Borders of Humanity

 What is the sky over your head like? Is it the same as mine?

Are your trees this green too? Do they turn brown under autumn's blue skies?

Are the waters of your pond this calm? Is the grass greener on your side?

Are your rains too, as beautiful as mine?

Are your villages too often attacked, looted and plundered?

Are your homes too unsafe like mine?

Then what is it that separates you and me? 

Why do they keep saying we are different?

Your sufferings are the same as mine.

Homeless at home, doubted for our patriotism

They keep saying you are the enemy.

Once I had hidden for a night in fear,

As one of yours entered our village.

They said our people did the same

To your homes and women.

Why did I see his eyes were as bewildered as mine?

When will all this stop? Gunshots and plunder?

When will we see the open sky again?

It's been days since I stepped out.

The war never stops, man fights man

Carnage happens over caste and creed

"Yours is not better than mine."

Countries fight, and world wars happen,

For whom, because it is humanity who dies.

Nature with her motherly love,

Had gifted her children the entire world.

Terrorised with territories,

It is humans who made borders.

To separate you and me, and keep this war of might

To fulfil greed, power and desires

While Humanity ceases to survive.

~ Suranya

