An Ode to Love

O Love, why do you test your Lovers?

Hide from their sight like Heaven?

The Soul knows you are precious

The Mind knows you seek patience.

O Love, how much do you pain your worshippers?

Poets, Bards, Musicians.

Passionate Artists searching for muse in you.

In their art, you are their religion.

Here I am, your ardent student,

Whom you often teach about life and things beyond it

With each priceless moment that passes by,

You grow in my soul, like a flower in a desert;

Realisations drench the heart, where you belong.

Love, O Love, feelings of boundless desires

Of being one with the One,

Supreme in nature and imagination.

My God, Muse, Inspiration.

Words and Ink are my prayer to you

Grant me the knowledge I seek.

For Love is God and God, Love.

What difference do they make to me?

You are the absolute being of my existence

The true essence of my purpose in this journey.

Love, O Faithful Love, You make me happy.

For I seek You not in people and places,

I find You in abundance within me

Like an overflowing fountain in the Garden of Eden,

Love, O God of my Soul, You are my everything

I sing praises of your might and your fiery will,

That turns warriors into lovers

And makes wanderers seek a home.

Love, O Eternal Love, you are my hope and prayers.

My reasons and result. Will and dreams.

You are the Deity of my devoted life.

You have your sacred shrine

In the beating of my heart.

~ Suranya

