I Don't Know What Love Is...

 I don't know what love is, but if I ever feel it

It should be once in a lifetime.

No second chances, no moving on, no rebounds.

I don't know what Love is.

People say it's overrated when they are hurt.

People in it, believe it's magic.

That toe-curling butterfly feeling when someone looks at you,

Like you are precious and priceless.

I don't know what Love is.

I read about it in books.

Yet every time I look at couples,

I somehow know,

Exactly what love should be and not pretended to be.

I don't know what love is.

But if I ever fall in love,

I want it to be exactly the way I dream of

Everything or nothing.

Love is always a choice and I want to be chosen.

I don't know about love, but I know its not lust.

Not dates, gifts or desires to possess.

Love is more than words and praises,

False Promises and Vows.

In this world of right and left swipes,

I doubt, if anyone actually knows

What Love Is.

~ Suranya

